Are You Listening? Your 5th Chakra Communication Center

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."
- George Bernard Shaw

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Communication. Between social media, tv news and emails, we are overrun with it! My inbox is full to bursting every day with updates on the world situation, advertisements, newsletters and more.

In this time of social distancing, some of us are scheduled up with internet and phone meetings, which can leave us with a yet another kind of "communication burnout"!

With an endless supply of communication available, it’s jarring to contrast it with the scarcity of in-person communication many of us may be experiencing. It may feel elusive to find authentic, personal or even truthful communication.

Your 5th Chakra Communication Center

If you have any doubt that humanity is suffering from a communication crisis these days, consider that our 5th chakra, which governs communication, also governs the act - and the art - of listening. The 5th chakra holds the meta-sense of Clairaudience, or "clear hearing,” one of the wonderful “Clairs” that give us our deepest experiences of intuitive wisdom. Imagine what a different world we would be living in if everyone had the ability to really listen and feel heard!

In my work as a Medical Intuitive, it seems that almost everyone has some blocked energy in their 5th chakra. Your 5th chakra helps you not only listen more closely to others, but also to speak your truth authentically, including the ability to hear your own inner guidance. From an energy standpoint, it's a great idea to keep our 5th chakra in good shape!

I've posted a new, free Guided Meditation, “Your 5th Chakra: Speaking Your Truth,” designed to help you energetically tune up your 5th chakra for better listening, clearer communication, and deeper access to inner guidance.

Stay safe and be well!


Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP is the founder/CEO of The Practical Path, Inc. For information on The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ and the Medical Intuition for Healing Workshop™, please visit The Practical Path or call 877-433-6611.

This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. Please see our Disclaimer.

Wendie Colter