

Medical Intuitive Training™

Wendie Colter is gifted with the rare ability to not only practice Medical Intuition, but teach it as well. Intuition is an extremely important, though little discussed, attribute of a physician. Wendie’s training program takes intuition to a whole new level. I have successfully worked with a Medical Intuitive in my clinical practice and, most recently, benefited with a personal health issue with Wendie’s guidance.
— Leonard A. Wisneski, MD, FACP - Clinical Professor of Medicine, George Washington University. Adjunct Faculty, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Division of Integrative Physiology, Georgetown University; Chair Emeritus, Integrative Health Policy Consortium; Faculty positions in the Dept. of Medicine and Dept. Nursing, The University of Colorado; former Vice Chairman of the NIH Consensus Panel on Acupuncture and Chairman of the NIH Advisory Board on Frontier Sciences, University of Connecticut; Author, "The Scientific Basis of Integrative Health"

Having practiced acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for 18 years, I have experienced a number of ‘intuitive hits’ but did not know what to do with the information. The Medical Intuitive Training™ taught me practical skills for opening my own healing potentials on all levels, opening my clients’ healing potentials, and trained me to see ‘qi’ energy in action. As a Medical Intuitive, I can see the physical/emotional pattern of a bodily dysfunction, and can give useful recommendations to a client on options they had not considered. These are powerful, analytical and creative tools for health.
— Natasha Reiss, L.Ac., CMIP

I’ve always been fascinated by Medical Intuition and its potential to be used alongside traditional medicine to help promote healing at the root cause of illness and disease. The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ offers a step-by-step process that allowed me to awaken my intuitive abilities and provided me with a new and exciting skill set. The program is taught with a focus on ethics and integrity so that as a practitioner I can feel comfortable using these skills in an ethical and morally responsible manner. If you have ever had an interest in learning Medical Intuition for your professional or personal life, then this is the program for you!
— Lloyd Costello, MD

The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ is the most comprehensive
intuitive development program available to wellness practitioners. The program includes practicum hours, which provided ample time to build the skills outside of class. I also appreciated the emphasis on strong ethics and risk management training. Additionally, Wendie dedicates time to teaching her students how to start and grow a professional practice. Personally, the program helped me become aware of how my own belief systems were influencing every aspect of my life, and led me to embark on a deeper journey of healing and personal growth. I highly recommend this program to any wellness professional looking to learn medical intuition, as it is thoughtfully designed with the current healthcare system in mind. Graduates of this program are well-prepared to either establish their own medical intuition practice or offer services in collaboration with other licensed healthcare professionals.
— Karandeep Singh, MD, CMIP

As a practicing RN with a background in Massage Therapy, Etheric Healing and Reiki, learning to embrace my intuitive self with a structured set of skills has provided a matrix through which all my holistic healing knowledge and medical knowledge can be processed and understood. The Medical Intuitive Training™ was the bridge that has helped me integrate everything I have learned over many years of healing practice. The medical intuitive process helps to identify core issues at the root of my patients’ health issues and this awareness can contribute to true healing on a very deep level.
— Christine Allison, RN, BSN, CMIP

This program was a game changer for me and for my practice. I have learned so much which has helped me both personally and to connect with my patients in a more understanding and caring way. I’m able to get to the root of their issues without wasting precious time and unnecessary expense. My patients have expressed their gratitude for how much it has helped them. One of the greatest rewards is to be able to help another human being when others are unable. With sincere appreciation and recommendation.
— Marie Mendoza-Cipollo, DC, CMIP

As a healthcare provider, training as a medical intuitive in The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ gave me a whole new way to empower clients. It helped me to get out of my ‘left brain’ thinking and enhanced my ability to see the interconnections between mind and body in a way I had not been able to do before.
— Jini Tanenhaus, PA-C, MA

As a holistic nurse, the Medical Intuitive Training™ gave me tools to sharpen my assessment skills and offer a deeper level of understanding. I now have an expanded awareness of how to use my intuition to help guide people towards whole person care and new opportunities for increased wellness. This program brought the values holistic nursing into focus, including care of the body, mind and spirit.
— Sandra Robertson, RN, MSN, CNS, HNB-BC, CHTP, CMIP

The Medical Intuitive Training™ allowed me to see the whole picture from a medical, emotional and spiritual level, and then helped me to access at what level the healing needs to occur. With this higher and deeper level of information, I can put my other skills in place to help people find true healing.
— Molly McIntyre, LAc, CMIP

Truly an amazing experience on so many levels. The Medical Intuitive Training™ shed incredible light into the areas where we can improve opportunities to assist patients and clients in reaching a more holistic level of health and well-being. The curriculum has been thoroughly thought out with the key components pivotal to learning this skill appropriately.
— Amy Hill, RN, CNS, PCCN, CMIP

As a licensed clinical psychologist, I am now able to ‘see’ where the energy is blocked at the origins of my clients’ issues, and clear the stuck energy that’s causing negative symptoms. I’m getting great feedback from my clients about sudden transformations in their lives.
— Diane Puchbauer, Psy.D.

While in chiropractic school, I realized I had some intuitive “gifts.” Taking the Medical Intuitive Training™ really helped me expand those gifts, and how to best assist my patients with this information. Wendie’s program was structured well to give ample time to hone in on the skill sets and start using them immediately. My patients have noticed a drastic shift with their healing! I am so thankful I was referred to take this program and look forward to continued learning with the advanced classes. I highly recommend this program to my colleagues looking to better master their own intuitive gifts!
— Meaghan McGinnity Longyear, DC, CMIP

Over my 20-year career as a physical therapist, I have felt that I may be missing helpful perceptual information that could serve a person in their healing process. I wanted to learn to nurture a grounded, ethical, and respected approach to reading the energy system of the human body. The Medical Intuitive Training™ helped me to trust my intuition when working with patients. Learning how to consistently work with my own energy has helped me to become more empowered, happier, grounded, and resilient. Using these skills to support and empower others to discover true health for themselves - body, mind, and soul - brings me great delight in a way that no other work in my life has.
— Beth Anne Fisher, PT, DPT, WHC

As a board certified health and wellness coach, The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ was a game changer in my work. The benefits were profound both personally and professionally. I learned where to operate from to keep myself protected from so many of the things we are taught as coaches to watch for. Additionally, learning to ask questions from an intuitive perspective has proven to get results for my clients in ways that I don’t believe could have happened before. The program has given me so much more awareness, a new sense of curiosity and a much deeper toolkit.
— Kim Lee-Thorp, BCTMB, NBC-HWC

The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ provided me with the tools, experience, and confidence to integrate my intuitive abilities into my professional wellness practice. Wendie is an excellent teacher with a great sense of fun, an incomparable amount of professional experience, and a deep commitment to ethics in the field of professional medical intuition. She infuses her classes with humor, wisdom, skill building, and experiential practice. Any healthcare professional who is interested in deepening their ability to connect with the pure wisdom of body and spirit would benefit from this program. It has been a life and career changing experience. I am so grateful to have had this opportunity, from which I continue to learn and grow.
— Shaya Mercer, CMIP, FNTP, Holistic Wellness Coach, Nutritional Consultant, Healing Arts Practitioner

The Medical Intuitive Training™ exceeded my expectations. The experiential characteristics of the program guided me toward deepening my intuition at a level I haven’t experienced in other courses. Wendie’s professional teaching style paired with her enthusiasm for the work and deep wisdom make her a master teacher. Intuition for the 21st Century! I’m excited to take these new practical skills and apply them with success.
— Bonnie Ginsberg, Master Certified Wellness Coach, MCWC

The Medical Intuitive Training™ helped me to develop new skills, gain transformative experience, and boost my confidence to empower my clients in maximizing their full healing potential. It also guided me to expand my intuitive gifts and apply them to my personal and professional wellness practice. It is a game-changer!
— Veronica Joseph, DOM, LAc, CMIP

The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ has been a gift for me personally and professionally. The skills I have learned and the tools that are offered in this program have helped increase my awareness of connection to my intuitive guidance. This guidance is key to self discovery for myself and my clients.
— Sheri Brockett, RN, IBCLC, CMIP

I chose The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ for my training because it was grounded and taught with integrity, stressing practitioner ethics. The program embodied these values in a matrix of respect and support. As the program unfolded, I appreciated the dedication to the students’ learning and the attention to detail in the material.
— Vanessa Hess, RPh, NBC-HWC, CMIP

This training was simply incredible, thorough, and systematic, and gave me the confidence I needed to apply my natural intuitive abilities to help myself and others in the pursuit of healing. Now I have the skills and tools to use my intuition consistently and ethically to give clients the information they need to start their own healing process. The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ gave me a way to continue to use my nursing background in a way that honors my whole self and honors my clients as people rather than medical diagnoses. I am now able to help clients get to the core of what is causing their health issues and can finally be the healthcare practitioner I was always supposed to be.
— Maya Angal, RN, BSN, CMIP

The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™ provided a missing puzzle piece in my nearly 20-year career as an acupuncturist. The program helped me better integrate my life as a holistic practitioner with my creative expression as an artist. As a result of becoming more grounded and confident with the skills I learned, I found a deeper connection to my patients and to my art. Wendie Colter is a remarkably talented teacher with the keen ability to systematically teach tools for exploring the unlimited potential of the mind. The classes are interactive, engaging and fun. This program has taught me skills to help empower my clients on their own healing journeys. I am excited by the process of growth and discovery this work has initiated in me.
— Joseph Goldfedder, BFA, MFA, LAC, CMIP

I learned so much from working with Wendie and The Practical Path® Medical Intuitive Training™. I honed in on my abilities to intuitively “see,” gained trust in my intuitive sight, and learned how to work within a framework that assists in guiding others on their path to healing. I loved the self-balancing tools we were given throughout the training, and continue to use them on a regular basis. This program has played an integral role in my personal and professional development.
— Haylee LaCroix, Nutritionist, Herbalist, Applied Shamanic Counselor, CMIP

The Medical Intuitive Training™ was life-changing. I learned how to consciously engage in establishing energetic boundaries, and dig deep into the energetic blockages that inform our choices, health, and daily interactions. The program is simple yet expansive, ethically grounded and, dare I say, deeply intuitive. The systematic processes ensure neutral, objective observations of my patients’ and clients’ energy and health issues. This program is at the absolute forefront of legitimized training in intuitive awareness and observation, and will be the cornerstone of medical intuitive education for generations to come.
— Malia Howard, DNP, APRN-Rx, FNP-C
Wendie’s system makes it easy to learn these skills and develop Medical Intuition. I enjoyed every class, the homework was manageable, and the online system was easy to navigate. I would do it all over again!
— Nichole Groft, RN
The Medical Intuitive Training was so much more than I had anticipated! I got a specific process to accurately access intuitive information, and how to use that process ethically and professionally. I experienced significant personal growth and got access to a lovely community of like-minded people.
— Carey Peters, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Wendie is an excellent teacher who is dedicated to serving her students and the greater good. Knowing how to trust and engage our intuitive capacities may be the most important muscle we develop, be it for healing, growth or simply navigating life.
— Lindya Geiger Ross, CMT
As an RN and Reiki Master, I’m always looking for new ways to help my clients move forward in wellness. With Medical Intuition, I can give them information that may be at the root of their illness. Medical Intuition is a wonderful skill to see your client as a whole person and not just focus on the symptoms. It can be life-changing!
— Kathy Cueva, RN, Reiki Master, Teacher, The Reiki Wind School & Healing Center, San Diego, CA
Wendie Colter and her instructors are exceptionally caring and committed to bringing this work to the forefront of complementary and integrative medicine. The time and effort put into each module was apparent from the start. The live online presentations and instructions were easy to follow, with carefully guided material and assistance along the way. I felt heard, not judged, and their calm presence was an unexpected added benefit. The Medical Intuitive Training™ has changed the scope of my bodywork practice in ways I never could have imagined. My boundaries are much more defined, my ethics are stronger, and the skills have helped me come back from years of professional burnout and compassion fatigue. I’m so grateful that I found this path. Thank you, Wendie, Teri, and Sue.
— Shelly George, LMT
The program was above and beyond what I hoped for. Wendie’s step-by-step approach is so thorough and beneficial. I would recommend her classes to anyone interested in honing their intuitive skills in an ethical and very applicable way.
— Honor Edwards, RN, NBC-HWC, NC-BC
I had the pleasure of taking the Medical Intuitive Training™ and I had an amazing experience. Wendie is a wonderful teacher and the class itself was informative, enlightening and simply a lot of fun. I learned so much and truly appreciate the experience and wealth of knowledge I’ve gained from her. I recommend the program highly.
— Sandra Sokabe, RN
I completed the Medical Intuitive Training™ with Wendie. She is so supportive and such a clear communicator. My movement along my path was enhanced. I became aware of intuitive ‘gifts’ I had no idea I had. Thank you, Wendie! I recommend her as an instructor as well as a healer.
— Carole Weeks, Ph.D., Certified Hypnotherapist, Bright Future Hypnotherapy
Intuition is an integral part of advanced nursing practice. The Medical Intuitive Training™ provides the necessary foundation to develop, nurture and maximize the intuition skills that nurses incorporate into their practice, as well as their lives.
— Orna Avital, RN
I wasn’t sure what to expect during my session at the Intuitive Clinic, but I was open to whatever unfolded. The conversation began with the students observing the physical symptoms in my body and quickly progressed to understanding the initial triggers for these symptoms. The students provided key information that resonated with me deeply. I had been working on the root of this particular symptom for years and while I was making some progress, I would easily become flustered because I thought, ‘if only I knew what caused this, I could work with it!’ Well, the cause of ‘it’ was a life experience that locked things up in my body. I am so grateful to the compassion, kindness and safe space that the students and Wendie created for me to share in this breakthrough.
— Liz A. (Participant at The Practical Path Intuitive Clinic)

Medical Intuition for Healing & Self-Care™

The content was easy to grasp and immediately applicable. I learned tools and methods that I can apply to my own personal health awareness and healing, as well as in my professional practice. Thanks for an outstanding experience!
— Lori Johnson, RN, OCN, AHN-BC
I gained some very practical skills that I will use every day. I also gained insight into a health problem I’ve dealt with most of my life. I can see how these skills can help me maintain my own health.
— Cara Lawler, Director, Technology and Learning Resources
I have been using the skills taught in class for three weeks now, and the progress I have made on a personal level far exceeded my expectations. I feel for the first time in my life I am beginning to get to know my mind, body, and soul. Wendie’s ability to teach the art of converging the imagination and healing is by far the best gift I have ever given myself.
— Christy Kriney, PhD, DNM, LCSW-R
As a physician, I learned to listen more and speak less. I loved that Wendie taught us techniques to assist with energies that are bothering us.
— Flora Danque, MD
It was incredible! I found the techniques Wendie taught us to be super effective and easy to implement. The Energy Hygiene techniques have now become part of my daily self care regime... I absolutely love them!
— Aleza Zile, RMT
An amazing class! I learned how to protect my energy and ground myself. I enjoyed scanning my body and chakras!
— Daniel Gutierrez, Motivational Speaker, Author, Consultant
Great insights! The class opened up new ways of addressing known issues.
— Victor B.
Insight into the power we all have to identify issues and heal ourselves!
— G. Yost, RN
Wendie is passionate and engaging. Her knowledge is evident and expressed beautifully through her vast experience and case studies. I really enjoyed the class!
— Patricia Wragg RN-BC, CCRN, CHPN, CHTP/I
The class was terrific! Wendie is a great teacher and facilitator. I appreciated her guidance and reassurance that what we see is our intuition and not just something we are ‘making up.’ I thoroughly enjoyed the class and would definitely recommend it to others.
— Dr. Kelly Myers, PsyD, EEM-CLP, HHC
I learned new techniques to help reduce pain. The body part that had been giving me ‘issues’ seemed to subside, which really amazed me - I’m a believer in this field! Zoom is an easy and great tool to use for this format. Wendie was delightful in her presentation of the content and it was well structured and organized!
— Dena Benavidez, Creative Director, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner
Wendie’s program offered a treasure chest of practical tools and a whole new way of seeing, which I found so empowering. She is a supportive and intuitive teacher - I appreciated her colorful storytelling abilities to make the information accessible. Wendie’s loving and authentic teaching style, along with her evident passion for what she does, is what makes the classes so amazing!
— Liza Sat-Akal Camba, RYT, IKYTA, MDP
I learned techniques to read and clear myself, which is invaluable as a healer.
— S. Hashemi, RN
The workshop took it to the next level and made me really look at some blocks and get rid of them!
— Jill L.
Wendie is a fabulous teacher... I came out richer in soul and spirit than I have ever been...It was extremely profound... Thank you so much! ♥
— Kim O.

Client Testimonials

Wendie Colter is the real deal. Having known her professionally for many years, I can wholeheartedly vouch for her work.
— Hyla Cass, MD, Integrative Psychiatrist
I expected great things from this session with Wendie. But what I didn’t expect was the life changing amazing offering for my future self. The first half was about my health issue and amazingly enough it was something doctors slightly knew but were not stressing the importance of fixing the problem before it got worse. The pin-pointed guidance I received was remarkable. Then the bombshell... when I received a detailed account of what happened in my life to cause this long term health issue... the tears were flowing. The truth of your childhood is sometimes overlooked and you make excuses for how you may have been treated. But to know I made a decision when I was five years old that would create a pattern of decisions for years to come... Just, wow. I now know the limiting belief and pattern to change to frame the rest of my life. I am forever grateful and on my journey to do further healing. I can’t thank her enough.
— Shelly Carpenter, Interior Designer, Mortgage Lender and Biofield Tuner
Wendie’s approach to discovering the root source of health issues baffling traditional medical methods is a life-saver. Finally, some clarity to the past 12 years of waking up everyday with questions, worry, and doubt. Now that I have a weight lifted off my shoulders I have a direction to focus on toward health and recovery.
— Jeanette A.
Amazingly accurate! Wendie tapped into information I had been seeking for a long time. I will be working with her again.
— Michal L.
The first issue Wendie zoomed in on was the main issue I was calling about. Her reading was helpful and affirming. I believe medical intuitives such as Wendie provide a valuable service, and I hope this field grows and thrives.
— Katherine O.
I had a great session with Wendie. She zeroed into my concern and was very helpful. Wendie was calm, positive and compassionate. I highly recommend her.
— Beth Anne H.
My session with Wendie was very insightful and gave me the necessary information I needed to understand what is happening with my body and health.
— Tricia H.
Wendie is an amazing Medical Intuitive. She always gets it right and shows me new ways to look at what’s going on in my life and how to understand the deeper message.
— Carrie T.
Wendie is a loving and steady guide. She gently helped me reach the source of my issue and set me firmly on the path to healing.
— Elisabeth L.
Wendie is a talented, inspiring intuitive. Her words of wisdom have helped me greatly on my path to achieving happiness, satisfaction with life and a sense of peacefulness. Working with Wendie is a true investment in yourself, your family and happiness. She will help you learn how to recognize your goals and the path to what really matters to you. I highly recommend her.
— Dr. Janet Hope Sherman, MD
After listening to Wendie’s presentation at the Healing Beyond Borders conference, I was blown away by the statistics and efficacy of medical intuition as a resource we could be accessing to assist ourselves and our clients. I booked a session and found it tremendously beneficial and on target to help me increase my awareness of things holding me back and opening up access to my own healing to make better progress. I am eternally grateful and highly recommend her services.
— Bonnie Nichols, CHTI
My session with Wendie Colter was so very informative for my physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Intuitively, she guided me on a new path to wellness. So much started to make sense about why I was experiencing issues that I could never find answers to. Wendie brought out a wonderful awareness that created a positive change within me before our session ended. Thank you, Wendie, for helping me realize that I have that ‘free spirit’ in me to allow for more joy in my life.
— Jacquelyn M.
Wendie is very kind and easy to communicate with. Her skills are phenomenal and she zeroed right into what was going on with me. Her insights are invaluable and will help me to reset my attitude, energy, and physical health. I am so grateful that I found Wendie and highly recommend her services.
— Kathy U., RN, CCM, Certified Reiki Master Teacher
After struggling with my health for years, understanding the energetic roots of my health issues was a complete game-changer. Wendie’s insights are amazing and have made all the difference.
— John G.
My sessions with Wendie have helped me get more information and better support from my own doctors. I am truly grateful for her incredible intuitive skills.
— Jerry M.
Life changing and affirming. Exciting. A diamond in my life.
— Lura Janis Crays
Wendie is an absolute delight. I have had readings before but nobody was as spot on as she was. I will definitely work with her again and highly recommend her. Thank you so much, Wendie!
— Francine K.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for speaking to our group last week. What an amazing and thoughtful presentation you put together, and so many of us loved the Q/A time that you also provided. Our members were intrigued to learn more.
— Shannon Geroso Gritzenbach, MD Physician Healers Soul Collective
Thank you for a terrific session! That was the most Fellows we’ve had connected at once for a live webinar! I appreciate you taking time to teach our Fellows.
— Bryan Hauf, Online Education Manager, Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM)
Wendie Colter brought warmth, heart, and a keen insight to her presentation on Medical Intuition. The group was fascinated and asked to learn more about her unique approach to intuition.
— Lori Hops, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist and President of the Association For Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP)
Allow me to express our thanks and gratitude for a wonderful presentation. The feedback was very positive indeed. You offered your wisdom in a clear, concise and accessible way and people felt inspired by the afternoon. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!
— Michael Lennox, Michael Barton and Jeffrey Marcus, Gay Healer's Circle, Los Angeles